Credit Card Balance Transfer Calculator

Our balance transfer calculator is designed to help you determine whether or not a balance transfer will actually save you money. It will show you exactly how many dollars you’ll save on up to four balance transfers at once.

Balance Transfer Calculator Basic

Current Credit Card Debt

Balance ($) Interest Rate ($) Annual Fee ($) Current Payment
Card 1
Card 2
Card 3
Card 4

Balance Transfer Credit Card

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Current Total Interest:
Current Total Annual Fee:
Total Current Cost of Borrowing:

Transfer Costs

Balance Transfer Fee:
Annual Fee:
Total Credit Card Balance:
Total Interest Paid:
Monthly Payment Needed ($):
Total Cost of Borrowing ($):
Total Savings:


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By using this calculator you agree to terms and conditions. These calculators are designed to be informational and educational tools only, and when used alone, do not constitute investment or financial advice. We strongly recommend that you seek the advice of a financial services professional before making any type of investment or deciding on your financial matters. This model is provided as a rough approximation of future financial performance. The results presented by this calculator are hypothetical and may not reflect the actual growth of your own investments. We can't take into account potential lender fees, payoff schedule can be longer than in the estimation. Financialfreedom and its affiliates are not responsible for the consequences of any decisions or actions taken in reliance upon or as a result of the information provided by these tools. Financialfreedom is not responsible for any human or mechanical errors or omissions.

How to Use Our Balance Transfer Calculator

To use our balance transfer calculator, you’ll need the following information about up to four of your currently owned credit cards:

Then enter the following information about the balance transfer card you’re considering:

  • Introductory APR
  • Introductory interest period
  • Your annual fee (if none, enter zero)
  • Balance transfer fee, expressed as a percentage.

Once you’ve entered this information simply click “calculate” and you’ll get a precise breakdown of how much this balance transfer offer can save you. The results can then be printed as a .PDF for your records.

Terms and Definitions

Balance Transfer – This is the act of transferring your existing credit card balance to another credit card to take advantage of lower interest rates. Many credit cards offer special introductory APRs for balance transfers to entice new customers.

Introductory APR – The Annual Percentage Rate or APR you’ll pay during the promotional period offered by the new card.

Introductory Interest Period – The amount of time, in months, that you will only pay the promotional APR.

Balance Transfer Fee – A one-time fee credit card issuers charge when you make a balance transfer.

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